Coaching for leadership and career development

Coaching for

Leadership and career development

You want to develop your leadership style.

You want to figure out what is next in your career.

You want to be more effective at and happier in your current work.

Coaching will help you figure out exactly how you can play to your strengths and get to where you want to be.

Career development

We will set clear goals so you know exactly what you want the future to look like. Coaching will help you identify your strengths and how to employ these (more) effectively so you move towards your goals. You will gain an understanding of how career learning works for you so you set yourself up for continuing development throughout your working life.

Leadership development

Who are you as a leader? What kind of leader do you want to be? What’s important to you and why? What do you do already that is effective in your leadership? What else will you have to develop to become the leader you want to be?

These are the kinds of questions that we will dive into and figure out together. As well as define practical steps you can take in between sessions to move towards being the leader you want to be.

Sounds good? Let’s talk